Friday, July 6, 2012

It’s My Money – and I want it NOW

I had a day off recently, and I was playing a game on the computer when my husband brought in the mail. He had received a check for $150 from the State Comptroller’s office. I looked at him in disbelief and asked him what the heck was that for? We weren’t expecting to receive any money much less over $100 dollars. He said to go to the internet and google “unclaimed cash”, we found a site called which is a free database for searching unclaimed property. My husband said he didn’t think he was going to receive anything because the computer wouldn’t let him finish.

So, I go to this site and search and low and behold, I see 3 instances of my name that I recognize as locations we had once lived at. I find $33 here, $29 there, and a stock certificate with an unknown amount to be claimed. Later that week, I receive claim forms from the State Comptroller, rather than checks.

Today, I have another day off, we look up in the attic, and we find the original stock certificate. I have completed the claim forms and submitted copies of proof of who I am (drivers license, social security card, etc.) Now it is a waiting game. I will patiently wait to see if I get my money.

So, if you have a day off and nothing better to do. I recommend going to and seeing if you can find unclaimed property that belongs to you. You can search all 50 states. The unclaimed property might be money from stocks, savings account, college refunds, utility company refunds, insurance refunds, etc. You never know until you try it – what you will find. Good Luck and most of all have fun!